ACE Recycling in NJ (left) and New England
Recycling (right)
How they work
High pressure odor & dust
control systems utilize a pump to drive the water pressure to a point
where the result is "atomization" of the water molecule. This is achieved
using a piston or plunger type pump, high pressure tubing and nozzles. The
water molecule size typically ranges from 50-microns down to as small as
What They Do
High pressure odor & dust
control systems assist with the treatment of airborne dust and odor
molecules. They can be confined to focus on very small areas (feed hopper
or transfer point) or cover larger areas (entire facilities). Air One high
pressure control systems can be constructed of multiple zones to control
different areas of the facility or a single zone that covers a larger
Where They Fit
High pressure odor & dust
control systems are typically found in industrial facilities within the
confines of on-site buildings. High pressure systems use a modest amount
of water and electricity and require a small amount of space to house the
associated equipment.
Why to Use
High pressure odor & dust
control systems are an effective means to suppress dust and odors inside
Coverage and Flow
The coverage area per
system is variable. Air One can design a high pressure dust control system
that will treat dust emission sources, odor & dust emitting areas
and/or your entire facility. Depending on the pump and nozzle
specification, typical systems range in flow rates from 1.5-gallons per
minute up to 10-gallons per minute.